We’re on Spotify!

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In times like these when we feel a bit more disconnected, whether it be ideologically, philosophically, politically or physically, we often look to find comfort in the things that have always connected us at a very base level. Music and the arts has always served as a blanket of comfort in times of uncertainty due to the nature of how we are able to collectively connect our ideas, frustrations, fears and humanity through them.

We would like to encourage you to take a moment to remind yourself of who you are in all of this, who and what you care about, and how simple some of those joys are manifested in our lives. As a sort of wellness break, we have created a playlist designed to slow things down a bit. Take a moment, and listen. Though we’re not able to physically gather together at the moment, we can continue to share with one another and send love and hope in spirit, and in this case, in song.

-Kirk Cornelius
Board President

Click here to open Spotify 


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